Saturday, September 7, 2013

Busy bee.. that's me. Bella Blvd I love you!

So I missed a few days there. Well I have been creating but I just have not been able to share the stuff I have been creating.. let me give you a hint...

Yup, I am creating some layouts to submit to the Bella Blvd Design Team! I never like to tell when I submit to Design Teams because just like everyone else, I get nervous!  It takes a lot of guts to have your work judged.  I do know this.  I have tried to make many teams and don't make it. Sometime I do, but this particular team is really nerve-wracking.  I love Bella Blvd, and I have decided that it is time to just go for it.  
So I hope you will also go for that special team that you really want to be on.  I also would LOVE to be on the Silhouette team, but its the tutorial thing that I think I am struggling with.  I do love silhouette and I use it ALLLLL the time in fact the NEXT blog post is about my Silhouette! I made a super cute card that I can share with all of you!  

That's all I have tonight, I have to have my layouts done by Tuesday, only have one more to go.  I hate two of them, but that is because when you are trying to highlight a product sometime you lose yourself.  ONE reason I hate DT submissions.  BUT I do love that I have been able to work with such fun product. I pulled out some of the older lines and it just proved to me one reason I love Bella Blvd is that it NEVER ever goes out of style.. the older lines still ROCK and WORK with the newer lines.  Stephanie Hunt is my paper superhero! 

Night friends


  1. Wishing that your dreams come true Erika.

  2. Good luck with the Bella Blvd Design shouldn't be so nervous!!!

  3. Good luck with the design team--I really love your LOs.
